

When do children stop believing in Santa Claus? Psychologists advise.

Do you remember how old you were when you used to believe in Santa Claus?

Should we keep the story of Santa Claus to our kids as long as possible? Should we reveal the secret of where their gifts come from?

In this article, we will look at the belief in Christmas from the psychology’s point of view.

Research in the field of age psychology shows that the belief in magic and fiction is useful for children for several important reasons. It helps them to practice their alternative thinking, which is important for the child’s emotional and cognitive development.

Santa is a mixture of reality and magic.

It is no coincidence that children stop believing in Santa Claus in their first years. This is the time when children’s thinking extends to the point that they invariably understand how impossible the things Santa does are. This awareness is evident in the questions they ask. While the little ones ask where Santa lives, the big ones wonder how he travels the world overnight. These questions are a manifestation of the child’s cognitive development.

Children understand the truth about Santa Claus most often when they begin to realize the “good lies” – that some things in life are hidden with good intentions.
We should not force them to “kill” the unrealistic ideas. Children can hardly take the truth if they are not ready.

Regarding the psychological stability of the child:

It is believed parents should support their children until they find out the truth about the existence of Santa Claus.

Instead of comforting their children or trying to deceive them about Santa, parents can choose another approach.

“Santa Claus” can be an illustration of the spirit of giving and sharing with others. The goal is to inspire a sense of altruism in the child, or a need to help others. The topic enables parents to help children make sense of the world around them. He should realize that there are people who live in poverty and need to be helped in difficult times.

Children who went through different stages – from out of blind faith in Santa Claus, into a state of doubt about the matter, are most often proud of the fact that they have solved the “Christmas puzzle”, psychologists explain.

Thus, they are now part of a more mature group of people who do not have to believe in the good old man to feel the festive spirit.

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