What afterschool activities is your child attending? Music, drawing, programming, sports? Or is he/she staying home all day after school? Today we will share who and why should attend supplementary classes and what to give preference to:
The main thing to understand: Unlike the school that children must attend, any other learning or class is a voluntary choice.
An important condition is the child to attend a course if the activity is interesting and pleasant for the kid.
The purpose of supplementary education: to encourage the child to express interest in various educational activities. To attract them to learn more and more new things. Additional learning helps to master new skills. It contributes to the formation of character, develops responsibility, organization and fosters resilience to stress. All this is possible only if the child has fun and enjoy these activities.
Supplementary education is important both for children with interests and talents in specific field, and for those who have difficulties in understanding the school subjects. First of all, it’s about psychological comfort. Such a child vitally needs a place where he/she can succeed, find a circle of friends, where he/she can be an active participant in conversations with peers and escape from the school routine.
For these children with learning difficulties, everything is fixed in the school environment. They are waiting for their parents to help with the homework. There is no time for a walk all day and after school, because they have to go home as soon as possible to do their homework. And lessons continue… This is an endless cycle that delights neither parents nor children. And it is especially important for such children to have a place where they can simply rest from all these problems.
But, unfortunately, not all parents think about it. On the contrary, many people think that this is just a waste of time and in general ask when will we do the lessons then? They completely forget that the child’s personality is more than a notebooks and grades. And maybe in extra classes kids will learn something new that will help them define their interests later in life. Then their self-esteem will not fall even more.
It is not uncommon for a certain activity, social circle or a coach / teacher to direct the child’s life in a completely different direction and give the necessary inspiration.
It often happens those children with difficulties at school that unfortunately haven’t attended supplementary classes, have their classmates lose interest in them in the first years in school. They just have no topics to discuss with. They have no other social experience and often can’t have a conversation with.
Such children are usually not interested in anything. Tthey just do not have the habit of learning new things and even that curiosity, which is inherent in all children, disappears with each year.
But there is another option when additional activities are simply necessary. This is true if the child has difficulty in reading, handwriting, arithmetic, memory, attention, etc.
In this case, a specialized additional activity is required. It is important for parents to choose the class that suits their child individually. We also focus on the skills of the teacher. Sometimes the method is a good one, but if the child already hates to read and everything is bad there, and he/she is given some black and white boring texts, then there is no way to attract them.
It is necessary to develop an individual path of development and learning for each child. And it is important to find the balance. If the teacher finds an approach that may interest the kids, then even forced in additional activities, there will be moments of success. In the future it is possible that skills in this area can be improved 100%.
Age-appropriate exercises and daily routines are very important. Children should always in spite of everything have time for walking, rest and personal time.
3 rules for attending additional classes:
The child should always be:
- well fed,
- rested,
- in good mood when starting classes.
This responsibility falls on parents’ shoulders. They need to organize such a daily routine so that they do not fly overhead. The children should not have the association that parents take them with the notebooks, pens, backpack and that they are always rushing, in a hurry and late. In this case, this will be a stable negative association and there will be zero benefit from such activities. There must always be a positive foundation.
Additional education does not happen only when the teacher comes, teaches the child for two hours and he/she has already mastered everything. No. All activities include developed material for homework / home exercises. This means that parents need to understand that children need such a daily routine that even if they have homework other than school, kids need to have time to rest, walk and be a little lazy.
Additional activities are certainly important in every child’s life. While developing talents and social skills, it is possible to help in the future choice of profession.
In our opinion, additional education is simply necessary for preschool children. It is important for them to get used to working in a team. Even if the child can read, count and write.
All children are different and those who have never worked in a group in most cases are not used to the fact that someone can do better. And this is a very crucial moment. This is the ability to accept criticism, the ability to understand from the first, second or third time, not from the thirty-fifth, as it happens at home. The ability to manage the time when a task takes 1-2 minutes, not an hour as when we study at home while observing the ceiling. Ability to work according to a given algorithm of actions. The ability to switch quickly from one task to another.
All this can be developed only by dedicated work with a group of children – even online. It doesn’t matter what preschoolers do: drawing, chess or mental arithmetic. Any group activity will help the kid prepare for class, be a more successful person and not afraid of criticism.
The task of the parents is to build in children love for learning, to show them all the diversity of this world, to demonstrate their abilities. And let the children make their choices.
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