Today, in our “Super Mother Entrepreneur” series we will introduce you Dilyana Vasileva Todorova from Dobrich, Bulgaria.
Mother of two wonderful children aged 10 and 3 – “My inspiration, my everything!”, as she says.
1. Tell us a little about yourself. In what stage of your life did you decide to start your own business?
– I consider myself a very active and perseverant person, a workaholic and а lucky one.
Every job I’ve had I’ve worked it with pleasure!
My meeting with SmartyKids brand was a coincidence, but as they say: Great chances come by coincidence!
A friend of mine shared that her boys were visiting mental arithmetic classes in Sofia city and she showed the abacus to my daughter. She was very impressed and really wanted me to sign her up, but back then there was still no mental arithmetic learning centre in our city. And travelling to another city for the classes would have been difficult for us.
Later on, one day my daughter asked me:
“Mom, why don’t you open a school for the calculating board!”
Her father and I started laughing.
Few more months passed and her words kept spinning in my head. We are a family into business – we are familiar to commitments that go with entrepreneurship. And I decided to request information on the franchise terms of SmartyKids.
2. From whom did you receive the greatest support in making the decision to be a mother-entrepreneur? What was your strongest motivation?
– SHE was my biggest motivation – my elder daughter Ivayla. Her father and I have always been an example in her eyes, we could not afford to disappoint her!
I received great support from my family, my sister, who is always there for me, and especially from my husband, who strongly believes in me and my decisions.
3. How long (since signing the contract) did it take for the business to start operating and generate revenue?
We signed the contract in June, 2019 and I really liked the terms of the franchise as it gave me freedom of personal choice and individuality. We opened the centres in September and the start was quite strong. By the fourth month, we have already started generating revenue.
4. What do you think leads to success one mother entrepreneur?
The success of a mother entrepreneur is related to perseverance, accuracy, punctuality, compromise with yourself. You have to love what you do to be able to get children’s attention. Тo be able to win parents’ credence when they entrust you with their most valuable asset – their children. SmartyKids is an innovative business, but also a mother’s cause!
5. What were the most difficult moments for you and how did you deal with them?
The difficult moments are the “lessons” that life gives you. They build us as human beings. Difficult moments stimulate us to fight and not give up climbing “The Success ladder”!
6. What are your next goals?
My goals are related to the new programs currently developed by SmartyKids.
7. What is your advice to anyone who is hesitating about starting their own business in the current situation?
The world has changed but innovations are entering our daily lives at a very fast pace.
It is worth investing in your dreams – if you think you can give knowledge and new skills, teach children to be individuals – invest in children’s love, smile and warmth – they are priceless! SmartyKids offers wonderful possibilities for innovative entrepreneur moms – mompreneurs.
If you would like to learn more about our SmartyKids franchising program, leave a request here:
Our team will contact you as soon as possible!
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