

SmartyMath: Wonderful Preschool Preparation for Every Child

Education is the key to a successful future, and mathematics is its foundation. This is where we introduce you to the SmartyMath course.

The aim of the program is to ignite children’s curiosity and interest in mathematics, turning the learning process into real fun. Ultimately, we aim to transfer this passion into the classroom.

The SmartyMath course offers numerous benefits for our youngest SmartyKids preschool students aged up to 6 years old.

The course is adapted for our students in Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Moldova. Our team is working on additional adaptations and soon there will be launched English version for SmartyKids in India.

A primary advantage of the program lies in its incorporation of various intensive methods to develop cognitive and creative abilities. Children learn mathematics in an informal and enjoyable manner, involving a variety of didactic materials and interactive games (such as geoboards, tangrams, mosaics, and more). This approach maintains their interest during lessons and actively engages them in the learning process, including activities that enhance fine motor skills.

The main educational materials in SmartyMath are vivid, colorful, and above all – tailored to the children’s age.

To ensure effective learning, children work with various educational materials such as textbooks, workbooks, interactive presentations, and other didactic aids. This not only supports the learning process but also strengthens the children’s confidence in their own abilities.

The course is divided into two parts.

What do children learn in the 1st part of the SmartyMath course?

The first part lasts for 4 months.

Children learn to:

  • Count up to 100;
  • Recognize even and odd numbers;
  • Compare quantities and numbers;
  • Position their hands correctly when writing;
  • Recognize geometric shapes and construct figures using lines;
  • Study basic quantities and develop measurement skills (weight, length, volume);
  • Navigate space (left, right, front, back, on, under, above);
  • Find and group objects (by color, shape, size).

What do children learn in the 2nd part of the course?

The second part is for more advanced children and lasts for 5 months. They acquire:

  • Counting by fives, tens, even/odd, rows (1, 11, 21, 31…)
  • Sequential counting (first, second, third…)
  • Comparing the number of objects, defining greater than, less than, and equal to;
  • Also, applying symbols: “<, >, =”;
  • Knowing and using arithmetic signs;
  • Solving examples using various objects;
  • Differences between geometric bodies and geometric figures;
  • Dissecting numbers into units and tens;
  • Learning about the clock and telling time (hours, minutes, seconds);
  • Studying concepts: circle, circumference, sphere, and their differences;
  • Developing the ability to determine which is greater/less than the other.

Additionally, the second part of the course includes an introduction to the abacus, an important element in developing mental arithmetic skills. Thus, after completing the course, children have a solid foundation for an easy transition to Mental Arithmetic and mastering arithmetic operations.

After completing their education, children are well-prepared to enter the classroom with the necessary confidence.


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