In this article we share the stories behind three of the SmartyKids centres in Bulgaria. Each of our partners has different business experience and different approach. But all of them faced challenges on their way to success. How did they manage to keep their business stable in times of lockdown?
Read this article to find the answer.
Margarita Atamanenko, SmartyKids Plovdiv – South
We started our centre in the beginning of June 2020 (after the first lockdown) with SmartyKids program in Mental Arithmetic. A month later, we introduced the SmartyKids Speed Reading classes and in September 2020 we started the third available at that time program – Financial Awareness for kids.
I found about SmartyKids Bulgaria completely by accident. Then did my research, met with the representatives in the head office and soon, without any hesitation, I signed a contract with the company to become one of the SmartyKids franchise partners. I was sure that this was going to be a successful project for me in terms of professional and personal development. One hour after I actually started the centre I realized that this really was one super good project. A great start with a lot of motivation and fast results, both for me – as a partner and teacher and for the children and their parents.
We went through all lockdowns
Closing and opening the centres several times, online training with the children and despite everything we kept our principles, our clients and most of all – the good brand name. During the most difficult period we even bravely expanded our centre with 3 more class rooms. We have more and more new students, curious and enthusiastic. And this raises our motivation even more. We see that our work is beneficial for the children, they enjoy our courses, and the parents know that they are paying for something meaningful – an investment in their children.
We look forward to launching new courses designed by Smart Kids and welcoming new kids to learn. The franchise business model is good, the company is also very well organized, the staff responds within minutes to an inquiry or issue. Our team is happy to join the SmartyKids family and we believe that we will be the best at what we do. 😊
Tsvetelina Karushkova, SmartyKids Nessebar
Our centre opened doors on January 3, 2021. For the first two months we formed 6 groups and reached 33 students in total.
Working with kids means going to work with a smile and coming back home with one. To share with your family about the wonderful experiences with your little students. Even when you fall asleep, sometimes you imagine the next lesson and can’t wait to see the group again.
And why SmartyKids franchise?
– Because this is a franchise company that has achieved incredible success in Bulgaria. In just 3 years, 61 child educational centres have been opened. We have the support of professional team of specialists in all business areas. They are always available to answer any of our questions! They even take the time to do trainings for all teachers, so that we can all move forward together and achieve the goals we are striving for!
Smartykids is not just a company or a brand,
SmartyKids is a family!
Zheni Zhekova, SmartyKids Yambol and SmartyKids Burgas – Lazur
I opened my first education centre for Mental Arithmetic in November 2018 in the town of Yambol. I turned to the franchise partnership business model because it minimizes the risks. The terms for starting business with SmartyKids franchise have proved to be simple, easy and affordable. Only a month after signing the contract I had a working children’s education centre. The brand continuously invests in new courses and in September 2019 we introduced our second course – SmartyKids Speed Reading. The stability that our partnership provides motivated me even more.
One year after opening of the centre in Yambol I invested in a second centre in the city of Burgas.
The opening was in October 2019, introducing both courses: Mental Arithmetic and Speed Reading. And because SmartyKids franchise is constantly evolving, we are currently introducing a third course – Financial Awareness for kids. Over time, we have created sustainable business relationships built on mutual communication, trust and support. We went through the lockdown challenge together, discovering opportunities unknown to us.
SmartyKids is my business, in which I am not alone.
If you would like to learn more about our SmartyKids franchising program, leave a request here:
Our team will contact you as soon as possible!
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