Another exciting year has passed. A year filled with new challenges, emotions, and victories.
Another year that made us wiser, perhaps more patient, but mostly better.
🙏Thank you all for your support!
Be inspired and bravely meet all new challenges!
2022 was a really exciting year for all of us! Let’s summarize the most important events for SmartyKids Europe:
✅The network of SmartyKids Bulgaria has turned 5 years, and SmartyKids Romania is about to celebrate its 4th birthday in February 2023!
✅Almost 70 SmartyKids children’s educational centres are already working on the territory of Bulgaria, 12 of them opened in 2022.
✅SmartyKids Romania has expanded as well. 12 brand new centres have joined the network there in 2022.
And we are expanding our network more and more!
✅We opened another centre on the territory of North Macedonia – in Skopje!
✅We organized the first international Mental arithmetic Olympiad, held in Bulgaria, and 650 children from Bulgaria and Romania participated.
✅Our graduates have won hundreds of medals, demonstrating their skills at 10+ international mental arithmetic olympiads.
✅We organized 16 business trainings for our partners and teachers.
✅Our team was part of one of the largest franchise exhibitions in the Balkans – the 20th “Be My Franchise 2022” held in Istanbul two months ago.
We welcome the new 2023 ready for new adventures and opportunities!
Because… we continue our cause of child development!
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