

Nearly 200 awards at the International SmartyKids Olympiad 2022

Dear friends, we are happy to share that the first International Mental Arithmetic Olympiad in Bulgaria just ended.

The event was held on June 11-12 in the Albena seaside resort and gathered 650 children from Bulgaria and Romania.

After two years of online competitions of various scopes, we are so happy that this year’s Olympiad gathered us on spot. It was great to meet all of the 650 participants and their families!












The participants were divided into 13 different categories according to their age and level of mental arithmetic skills. More than 200 children received special awards for their outstanding results!

In just 18 minutes, all participants had the challenging task of solving 360 arithmetic tasks using an abacus and mentally with difficulty based on their category. In addition to their mental arithmetic skills, children had the opportunity to demonstrate various talents in front of all participants and their families in the specially organized Talent Night post-Olympiad event.

Each category awarded a champion, therefore there were 13 champions, the youngest of whom was only 6 years old, and the oldest – 13 years old. The top 10% of all competitors were awarded 1st place, the next 10% were awarded 2nd place and the same number of 3rd place winners got their prizes.

A Super Team award went to SmartyKids Varna Levski with 24 awarded participants – 3 championship titles, 7 first places, 11-second places, and 3 third places.












Thanks to the support of our partners, each child left the 2-day event with special gifts:
Bella Bulgaria, Office 1, Luxury Discounts travel agency, Smart Organic, Brainiac.bg, Ozone.bg, Fiut Publishing House.

Congratulations to all the children, their parents, and, of course, all of the SmartyKids teachers!












Thanks to our team of organizers, without whom this Olympics would not have taken place in the best way!

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