

Important Skills for a Preschooler’s Intellectual Development

Dozens of factors affect early child development, the most important of which are upbringing, temperament, and health.
Parents should monitor the overall development level of their children from an early age when the child forms his character and habits.

Do you know what skills should children develop in preschool?

Here’s a list of skills for preschoolers that parents should monitor closely:


Through Games, children learn to recognize and understand their feelings. In addition, the way a child plays speaks about the development of his imagination, emotional intelligence, and cognitive skills. With the advent of role-playing games, parents can notice that the child begins to interact with other children, comprehends and uses scenarios familiar to him from life.


At the age of 3, children start interacting with each other. When they grow up, they learn to exchange toys and cooperate. We should pay attention to how the child controls his emotions and how his emotional development grows over time.


Preschoolers are always active. Dexterity, balance, body coordination are development factors of their motor skills. At the age of 3, children can jump perfectly on two legs, and at the age of 4, they can maintain a much better balance by jumping on only one leg.

Fine motor skills

At 4 years old, children learn to attach buttons, zippers, or even tie the laces of their shoes on their own. The development of fine motor skills is also evident in the way the child holds various objects in his hands: for example, he can take a spoon with his fingers only, without clenching his hand into a fist.


In preschool, a child’s language develops to a great extent. At this age, children love to tell stories and can speak freely. It is recommendable that they share with you how they feel, express their ideas, or ask questions regarding the world around them.

Children already know about 800 words by age 3. By the age of 4, their vocabulary is already has up to 1000, and they can compose a difficult sentence with 5-6 words. You should pay attention to all words that the child commonly uses in a sentence. This includes incomplete and incorrectly pronounced words as well.

Counting skills

At the age of 4, children can usually count to 20, compare the number of elements with the desired number, understand the terms “more” and “less”.


Preschoolers can memorize the shapes of most letters and name them. They would read only simple, common words (cat, forest). They learn to recognize textual content from photos, invent their own stories, turn pages, memorize and quote short passages.

Here are some easy tips you can follow to help your child develop at this age:

✅Give the child enough time to play games because they would help him express his feelings of joy, excitement, or fear.
✅Play a creative game together such as drawing or music games – dancing, singing, jumping, or playing instruments.
✅Read fairy tales together or recite poems to encourage his thinking and communication skills.
✅Cook meals together because this would encourage the child to eat healthily. It would also be helpful to him to learn new words and quantitative concepts such as grams, milliliters, a teaspoon, etc.

The most important thing is to spend full time with your child to help him grow up happy and loved.

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