

How to teach empathy in our children?

Have you ever cried while watching movies or reading a book?

Empathy is one of the purest human feelings.

We experience empathy because we feel closely connected to other person’s emotions, experiences, problems, and joys. Because we feel emotional empathy for others.

What does a child need the most? To feel understood! How can we help him?

We can help a child feel understood by listening to his problems carefully and showing concern by expressing empathy.

And here comes the big question.

How to build a sense of empathy in the child?
How can we help him develop it?

Parents are every child’s first and most lasting teachers.
Here are some simple ways to guide you on how to help you teach empathy to your child:

Encourage the child to express his feelings.

Understanding your own feelings is the first step to understanding the feelings of others. Therefore, share your feelings with the child. When the parent talks about his feelings and admits them to the child, they help him become more empathetic. Share some small acts of kindness with your child even. Explain how he would feel and how other people are feeling in a particular situation and why. This way, you would help him begin to think about the emotions and perspectives of others.

Let the child take care of plants and animals.

By taking care of another living thing, children understand the role of helping another living survive, thrive, and be happy. Perhaps, this is one of the simplest ways to help your child develop a sense of empathy. Also, you can read books together as the child learns to relate their feelings and actions to their favorite characters and stories.

Use the phrase: “I understand you that…”, and “I understand how you feel”.

Empathy also includes stepping forward with the question, “How can I help you?” Do not miss to say “Thank you!” to your child every time.

But why should every child have a highly evolved sense of empathy:

❇️Empathy helps every child to build a sense of security and more stable relationships with others.

❇️It encourages tolerance and acceptance of others and helps the child understand that other people may have different feelings or points of view than his own.

❇️It helps the child regulate his own emotions and reactions.

❇️Creates the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and imagine how they feel.

❇️It helps him imagine what action might help a person feel better.

❇️The benefits of empathic thinking flow into the lives of adults as well.

Empathic adults:

✔️Are more successful in personal and professional terms.
✔️Have a better ability to understand others, such as customers or colleagues.
✔️Empathic adults are better leaders.
✔️They handle conflicts better.

Empathy is not a feeling we humans are born with. It is a sense we build throughout our lives. The earlier we start teaching empathy to our children, the better it will be for them.

And remember – it’s never too late to start building empathy in your child.

And last, the most powerful tool to teach empathy to a child is our personal example.

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