Children develop their knowledge of basic mathematical principles in preschool years. Recognizing numbers, addition and subtraction, recognizing geometric figures, creating models and classifying objects by size. You can improve your child’s cognitive skills with activities at home. The key is to use math in activities that make it look like a game, not a boring task. We offer some fun math games for preschool kids.
1. Bingo
During kindergarten, children will learn to recognize and visualize numbers. We can help children at home with the game Bingo.
Prepare your cards first. You can use small square pieces of paper to draw 9 fields (if the children are smaller, you can use 4 fields). Fill in the fields at random and let the children draw cards.
Put notes with the numbers from 1 to 30 in a box.
Start drawing numbers. Take one, say the number and place it in front of the children so they can see it. Give them enough time to look it up on their card. If they have it, they should cross out their number or even better option is to put stickers or buttons. Whoever scores all their numbers first wins the game.
2. Figure hunters
Seeing recognizable shapes in real life reinforces the concept of geometry. Go on a hunt in your yard, nearby park or forest. Help your child find objects in different shapes – circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and more. What makes each shape different?
3. Bouncing bean
Label sheets of paper with the numbers 1 to 20 and place them in a shuffled order on the ground. The child begins to jump from sheet to sheet in their numerical sequence, trying not to touch the floor – just like “The floor is lava” game. (Make sure the papers aren’t spaced too far from each other so that your child can jump between them safely). When the child finishes, encourage him/her to do it in reverse order!
Shuffle edition: You can also call up random number for the next jump.
4. Heavier or lighter
Does your child like to watch you cooking? Whenever you prepare the products, ask the child to make an assumption about the weight. “Which is heavier – onions or canned tomatoes?” You can take a cooking scale for more difficult items, which also gives children the opportunity to practice reading and to interpret the measurements.
5. Sorting caps / buttons
If you collect plastic caps for recycling purposes, let your child have access to them. Buttons are suitable as well. Encourage the child to arrange them by color. Then your little scientist can arrange the objects according to size or for the buttons – the number of holes. This game helps to improve measurement and data skills.
Math games – BONUS: Mental arithmetic
If your child is 4+ years old, it is a good time to start mental arithmetic classes. The methodology aims for children to learn how to write numbers in a fun way, through games. Abacus beads, on the other hand, help with fine motor skills, and our augmented reality textbooks complete the experience.
Together with our hero Smarty, children start their space-mathematical adventure in which through many games and challenges they will become best friends with the numbers!
What math games do you play?
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